2 Simple Yoga Poses for Breaking Bad Habits

2 Simple Yoga Poses 

yoga poses
Addiction is difficult to tackle but we can all agree that it starts with our emotions. When we are out of our natural spiritual alignment, we succumb to bad habits and negative behavior. And before we know it, it spirals down into something severe.
Yoga has been a timeless practice with an emphasis on emotional and spiritual well-being. The physical benefits translate into reality the more a student shows up on the mat. If you are struggling with any addictions and want to take control back into your life, a good place to start would be developing a consistent practice.
Here are 2 good yoga poses for that which will help on your path to breaking negative addictions for good.

1. Cobra Pose

The Cobra pose draws energy to your spine and opens it up. To do this, you lie down on your belly, position your hands under your shoulders on the floor, inhale, and raise your spine. 
You can attend online yoga classes live  to make sure you are getting this right if you are practicing at home.

2. Savasana

Performing Savasana is like taking a break from the other poses and grounding yourself to the earth. You sit comfortably on the floor cross-legged, clasp your palms at chest level, breathe, and relax. 
Sometimes we just don't have the time to go out to studios due to busy lifestyles. This is where you can sign up for online yoga classes live and stream lessons from the comfort of your home. It's also a good way to schedule in the time and stay accountable.
